about us

who are we:

Journalists and researchers work to obtain information and facts, verify them and analyze them, in order to provide a distinguished journalistic service to the reader, through the methods of precise, disciplined professional journalistic work.

We use electronic platforms to publish press materials, using various innovative methods, means and tools for presentation and clarification in creating content that adheres to the conditions of excellence, credibility, editorial accuracy and the highest ethical standards.

the aim:

Creating investigative journalism and involving citizens in its production and publication, committed to professional neutrality and absolute commitment to the citizen and his issues and defending his rights.

Integrated investigative reporting
Written and video investigative reports
Research and studies
work team:

A group of journalists specialized in investigative journalism and dedicated to journalistic work, drawing on a wide network of media and artistic content makers inside and outside Sudan, through smart partnerships with counterparts and similar people in media and journalistic institutions, associations, and organizations.


A platform for publishing journalistic works produced by (New Feature Multimedia). It works according to new media tools, taking advantage of infographics to display information, data journalism, and the use of images, audio, and video.

Editorial Board

Wherever you are and whenever you need us. We’re here for you – contact us for all your support needs.

Alsadig Ibrahim Shalai Habbani

Head of Information Technology Department